What's New in Version 6

What's New in Version 6

Query XSD

Query XSD Analysis is a set of features that provides the ability to analyse XML Schemas (XSD) files using common query languages. Typical analysis tasks include checking for conformance to naming conventions, use of anonymous types, elements and attributes, namespaces, spell checking, organizational patterns and detection and analysis of class hierarchies. Read how to get started here.

JSON Schema Support

Support for JSON Schema Draft 4 was added as following:

  • JSON Editor: ability to validate JSON text
  • Automation API: provides support for scripted JSON validation
  • XSD to JSON Schema conversion: ability to transform a model expressed using XSD into a model expressed using JSON Schema (this requires XML Schema Refactoring).

Generic Workspace

The new generic workspace allows logical grouping of physical resources (file and folders). It is a reboot of the version 2.x workspace, with a much cleaner and simplified interface. It is intended to include specialized workspaces, such as XSR files (for schema and service definition management).

Workspace in QTAssistant 5
Workspace in QTAssistant 5
(Click to Enlarge)

New Editors

JSON Editor

Source editor with built in support for:

  • JSON Schema Draft 4 validation
  • Syntax highlighting, code outlining, bracket highlighting, etc.
  • Snippets
  • IntelliSense prompt
    JSON Editor (source panel, intelli prompt)
    JSON Editor (source panel, intelli prompt)
    (Click to Enlarge)
  • Diagram view
    JSON Editor (dataset panel)
    JSON Editor (dataset panel)
    (Click to Enlarge)
  • Dataset conversion
    JSON Editor (diagram panel)
    JSON Editor (diagram panel)
    (Click to Enlarge)

RAML Editor

RAML 0.8 source editor with built in support for:

  • Validation
  • IntelliSense prompt
    RAML Editor (source panel)
    RAML Editor (source panel)
    (Click to Enlarge)
  • !include diagram
    RAML Editor (external panel)
    RAML Editor (external panel)
    (Click to Enlarge)

Improved Support for Dark Color Schemes

XSD and XML Editor

XSD Editor (source panel)
XSD Editor (source panel)
(Click to Enlarge)
XSD Editor (digram panel)
XSD Editor (digram panel)
(Click to Enlarge)
XSD Editor (external panel)
XSD Editor (external panel)
(Click to Enlarge)

JSON Editor

JSON Editor (source panel)
JSON Editor (source panel)
(Click to Enlarge)

RAML Editor

RAML Editor (source panel)
RAML Editor (source panel)
(Click to Enlarge)